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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – May 27th, 2016

Bill McDonald edited this page May 29, 2016 · 5 revisions

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – May 27th, 2016


  • Bill McDonald - cmi5 working group leader
  • Benard Bouyt - Airbus
  • Andy Johnson - ADL
  • Ben Clark - Rustici Software
  • Brian Miller - Rustici Software
  • Art Werkenthin - RISC
  • David Pesce - Exputo
  • Dennis Hall - eLearning Templates
  • Henry Ryng - inXsol
  • Giovanni Sorrentino - E-CO e-Learning Studio


Quartz Release

The cmi5 "Quartz" version will be released pending the resolution of the issues below (#473, #452, #451).

This will involve updating the revision history as shown below:

Revision History

Quartz - 1st Edition (June 1, 2016)

Sandstone - 1st Edition (May 15, 2015):

  • Developer release

Convert Working Draft to Markdown in GitHub (Feb 20, 2013):

  • Converted existing working draft to markdown format from Microsoft Word. All previous work from 2012 discarded.

Issue #473 - IRI Metadata Needed

  • Remove “Name” from verb descriptions
  • Andy will followup with Jason to update the above IRI's and ensure that there is an JSON language map per xAPI spec.

Issue #452 - We need to define termination here

7.1.2 Last Statement Call

The AU MUST issue a Terminated statement to the LRS as described in Section 9.3.8 as the last statement in a session.

Once the AU has determined that the session will end (e.g. by user action or some other means) the AU SHOULD issue a Terminated statement.

Circumstances under which the AU may determine that the session is ending could include:

  • Monitoring for browser window or application close events
  • An AU defined user action for closing the AU session
  • Other AU defined events such as a timeout from user inactivity

Issue #451 - Redundant requirements?

The group pretty much agreed to the following language to (partially) address the issue. Remove redundant normative language and reference the requirements sections.

4.1 Assignable Unit (AU)

See Section 7 – AU Requirements. An Assignable Unit MUST conform to all requirements as specified in the xAPI specification (see References).

4.2 Learning Management Systems (LMS)

See Section 6 – LMS Requirements. The LMS MUST conform to all LRS requirements as specified in the xAPI specification (see References).

However one the following statements regarding LMS reporting requirements (for all statements recorded), the group agreed that something was needed, but with different wording.

4.2 Learning Management Systems (LMS)

The LMS MUST provide the ability to retrieve and show all statements (including attachments and extensions) to a user (with the understanding of scaling permissions/authorization).

The LMS MUST decode the attachment and make it available as a file with the original MIME type.

Andy Johnson agreed to provide alternative wording for this requirement and pull request both sections.

All Previous CMI-5 Meeting Minutes

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