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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – October 24th, 2014

MrBillMcDonald edited this page Oct 24, 2014 · 1 revision

CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – October 24th, 2014


  • William A. McDonald – Boeing Flight Services
  • Bruce Williamson – Boeing Defense Systems
  • Brandt Dargue – Boeing Research & Technology
  • Andy Johnson – ADL
  • Tyler Mulligan - ADL
  • Ben Clark – Rustici Software
  • Ray Lowery – Pratt & Whitney
  • Art Werkenthin – RISC Technology
  • Chris Handorf – Pearson
  • Henry Ryng – INXSOL


Pull Requests The pull requests for last week’s Verb changes, IRI definition, and must/shall language applied.

LRS query optimization The group had another lively discussion trying to determine how to querying the LRS to retrieve specific XAPI “result” values (without having to do multiple queries or sort thru a large number of statements).

The rationale for why this capability was highly desired was clarified as follows:

  • It would be “nice” for an LMS to be implementable using any 3rd party LRS
  • For efficient operation, the LMS would need to be able to query the 3rd party LRS efficiently to determine (among other things) “results” of learning activity sessions.
  • Making CMI-5 Statements more efficient/searchable may have uses for other applications (such as reporting)

The group reviewed how XAPI queries are made and whether it would be best use existing XAPI capabilities only or to add features to CMI-5 to address the issue. It was also evident that XAPI itself could be improved to add more query capabilities, but that seemed less likely at present given its release schedule.

After much discussion there are clearly 2 major courses of action:

  1. Add context or other elements to CMI-5 to help address the issue (in conjunction with existing XAPI query capabilities)
  2. Leave CMI-5 as is and just use existing XAPI query capabilities

Ben Clark proposed adding “Tags” to CMI-5 statements (in the “context”) and using XAPI’s “since” search capability to address the issue.

Such a tag might look like this (in statement with applicable “results”):

"context": {
  "category": {"id":""}

This approach seemed interesting and will be discussed more.

Next Time

Next meeting we will:

Continue to discuss LRS query optimization possibilities (since it’s such a “thorny topic”!)

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