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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – March 11th, 2016

Bill McDonald edited this page Mar 13, 2016 · 6 revisions

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – March 11th, 2016


  • Bill McDonald - cmi5 working group leader
  • Andy Johnson - ADL
  • Art Werkenthin - RISC
  • Brian Miller - Rustici Software
  • Ben Clark - Rustici Software
  • Ray Lowery - Pratt & Whitney
  • Bernard Bouyt - Airbus
  • David Pesce - Exputo
  • Anthony Altieri - American Red Cross
  • Christopher Thompson - Medcom Inc
  • Mike Kennedy - Workday
  • Henry Ryng - InXsol


Issue #389 - Meaning of progress when it differs between statements

The group agreed to refine progress description as follows: progress

AU Obligation: Optional. AU SHOULD NOT set a progress value if in a Completed statement or if it has previously issued a Completed statement for the AU in the current registration.

ADD the following to description in section 9.3.3 Completed :

The use of the Completed verb indicates progress 100%.

Issue #390 - Can score be sent in multiple statements? If so, what does that mean?

Per March 11 meeting, score usage is covered in the following section :

9.5 Result

Result may be present in a statement depending on the cmi5 verb used. A "cmi5 defined" statement MUST NOT use result properties not specified for that particular verb except in the case of result extensions.

(and only Passed and Failed cmi-5 defined verbs can use it. cmi-5 allowed statements can also use score). The other issue with the progress extension is resolved. The group agreed that this issue is closed.

Issue #394 - Is "Satisfied" recorded for AU's with a "NotApplicable" "moveOn"?

The group determined that the real questions regarding this issue is "what events trigger the LMS to evaluate the MoveOn rules ?" This will require further discussion to clarify MoveOn usage in the specification.

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