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Jedi train

Marxos edited this page Oct 23, 2022 · 5 revisions

The first steps on the Jedi path are to go into 3verything you don't understand. A Jedi should never be waylaid by surprises. That means you must be on top of everything in the universe to some degree -- a large responsibility, but the only path.

The path of a Jedi is a big commitment. There aren't any side gigs on the path of the Jedi nor shortcuts. You have to give all of yourself.

The soul partly breaks whenever it can't parse something it sees/hears. So the Jedi must go into everything it doesn't understand. When one has a physical block to understanding, there is another force over oneself and one must push it away or speak out to that force.

To stay on top of what is going one must learn to watch all of the information sources that are real. It could be political or something else. Things like entertainment happenings can also be telling you something about what the public is learning, even if pathological.

Note dysfunctions, like horror fetishes, child abuse and adverse emotional responses, sexual excess in the general population. Something is already sick.

If you want to be aware of things, you have to disentangle yourself from everything. Everything is in a battle of energy.

A Jedi must learn the art of "not-doing". Others may imitate, but only the Jedi have the raison d'etre, for they are the immune system of the system.

In addition, the Jedi charm or mind trick works by the power of the Word. "You don't need to see his identification." Consider the words used.

The Jedi will not give into despair...
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