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Merge functionality

Davood Sooran edited this page Apr 5, 2024 · 2 revisions

Merge or Diff

Merge is a fundamental functionality that enables the importation of information from other files or the updating of existing elements with information from other files.

To understand what OpenSCD is doing behind the scenes, we need to explain two terms first:

  1. Same: Two elements are considered the same if they share identical identities. In the context of OpenSCD, the identity of all elements is defined based on a set of unique attributes within the element's hierarchy. For instance, a Bay element must possess a name attribute that is unique within the VoltageLevel according to the standard. This is the id for this element. The same is true vor all parent elements until the SCL tag. The identity of a "Bay" element, therefore, comprises all name attributes separated by > symbols, such as AA1>E1>Q01. Other elements may have different identifiers, like the id attribute of the LNodeType element. In some cases, the index is utilized to construct the identity.

  2. Equal: Two elements are equal if they and all their children are identical, and their attributes match.

The merge functionality utilizes these two attributes of elements to determine differences and facilitates merging elements from different files.

To utilize this functionality, you can click on Merge Project or Update Substation.

Merge Project

alt text
  1. Edit: Attributes same - element's - imported and existing - are present but differ. For example, in the existing element, it is named Bay01, while in the imported one, it is named Bay Q01.
  2. Add: An attribute or a child element is present in the imported file but not in the existing file.
  3. Delete: An attribute is present in the existing but not in the imported same element or a same child element is present in the existing but not in the imported file. For example, the attribute sxy:x exists in the existing file but not in the imported one.
  4. Merge: The elements in both the existing and imported files are the same but differ in attributes and/or child elements.

The merge process is a step-by-step procedure that begins with the root element SCL, then progresses through all its child elements. This means that you will encounter a wizard page for each child element that is not the same. Once these differences are addressed, the process moves on to the child elements of the selected element.

As an example let's assume you imported a file that differs in one DO definition within a LNodeType - desc, a LN definition with one of four IED elements and within one of three Bay elements within a Substation - here desc again is different.

  1. The merge process begins with the SCL element, indicating that three elements are not equal and can be merged: Substation, one IED, and the DataTypeTemplates. Suppose you choose to merge only the Substation and the DataTypeTemplates, leaving out the IED.
  2. The next wizard page displays the Substation element, indicating that the VoltageLevel is not equal and can be merged. Let's assume there is only one VoltageLevel, so you select it.
  3. The subsequent step presents the DataTypeTemplates element, indicating that one LNodeType is not equal, and you opt to merge it.
  4. Following that, the Bay element is presented. Here, the desc attribute differs, and you have the option to edit it. No child elements are shown as they are identical.
  5. Next, the LNodeType element is displayed, revealing the one DO child element that is not equal.
  6. Lastly, the DO element differs in the desc attribute, allowing you to decide whether to edit it.

Update Substation

The distinction between Merge Project and Update Substation lies in the fact that the latter specifically targets the Substation element, and the process is automated. To streamline the user experience and reduce complexity, we have simplified the options. Specifically, the selection is predefined to be:

  1. Edit: selected
  2. Add: selected
  3. Delete: de-selected
  4. Merge: selected

To ensure the production of valid files and prevent inadvertent invalidations, elements of LNode are checked before editing or adding to ensure their uniqueness within the Substation element. Additionally, they are required to reference an existing LN or LN0 within the project. For instance, if the imported project contains an LNode that references a logical node not present in the existing project, the LNode element is ignored.

1. About OpenSCD

4.2 XML editor - pro mode

6.1 Report


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