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Jakob Vogelsang edited this page Aug 9, 2022 · 1 revision

The element ConnectedAP has only two attributes and iedName and apName that in combination are a pointer to the AccessPoint of an IED. The configuration of such an ConnectedAP is done inside the Address element.

The structure in the Communication editor does not completely follow the SCL. ConnectedAP are grouped inside IED containers to help the user to better filter the information. When you click on such an IED container you will find that AccessPoints belonging to the same IED but connected to another subnetwork are disabled but visible too.



Create ConnectedAP

As the ConnectedAP is just a pointer to an existing access point. The amount and the structure is limited to the amount and structure of available access points. To help the user here OpenSCD does only allow to select a ConnectedAP rather to create one from scratch. If an access point has already an representation in the Communication section you can not select it again. To create a ConnectedAP

  1. Navigate to the Communication section
  2. Click in the Add more button of the Subnetwork you want to add the ConnectedAP element to
  3. Select the access point you want to connect and click Save


Edit ConnectedAP


To configure an ConnectedAP element or to be more precise its Address child element

  1. Navigate to the Communication section
  2. Click in the ConnectedAP you want to edit
  3. Click on the edit action button

NOTE: For the various types of setting please refer to IEC 61850-6. The kind of types are summarized in Communication basics


Remove ConnectedAP

To create a ConnectedAP

  1. Navigate to the Communication section
  2. Click in the ConnectedAP you want to remove
  3. Click on the delete action button

1. About OpenSCD

4.2 XML editor - pro mode

6.1 Report


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