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Tiranadel edited this page Apr 16, 2018 · 10 revisions

[Healing Items]
[TP Restore]
[IG Restore]
[Other Healing Items]

Healing Items

Below is a list of healing items. Single healing amount is based on HP percents. Some items will have a different base cost depending on if you use the kill coin system or not. The items are single target, unless they can be used with the Fullbring skill. You need a certain skill level for most items. Certain items being available also depends on if players or monsters are in control of the conquest. The Senzu item cost depends on the garden's level.

Name Target Heal Amount Cost Sell Fullbring Level Amount Conquest Item
Potion Single 3% 30 15 Yes 1 50 No
Vital Star Single 10% 150 40 Yes 1 75 No
X-Potion Single 15% 300/3000 100 Yes 2 150 No
Root Beer Single 20% 500/5000 30 Yes 3 250 No
Senzu Single 30% 1500/1000 400 Yes 4 500 No
Super Potion Single 40% 1500/15,000 750 Yes 5 750 Yes
Mega Potion Single 50% 2000/20,000 750 Yes 5 1500 Yes
Bruce's Juice Single 100% Chest only 3000 Yes 5 2000 No
Candy Corn Single 4% n/a 50 No n/a n/a October
Candy Cane Single 40% 1750 200 Yes 5 1500 December

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TP Restore Items

Below is a list of the TP restore items. Unlike healing items, they restore TP in certain amounts.

Name Target Amount Cost Sell Fullbring Level Amount Conquest Item
Dusty Wing Single 30 100/1000 40 Yes 1 15 No
Ether Single 60 250/2500 100 Yes 2 30 No
Mid-Ether Single 120 500/5000 200 Yes 3 60 Yes
Hi-Ether Single 160 750/7500 350 Yes 5 80 Yes
Super-Ether Single 320 1500/15,000 750 Yes 5 100 Yes

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IG Restore Items

Name Target Amount Cost Sell Conquest Item
Ignition Star Single 20 4000/30,000 1000 No
Large Ignition Star Single 50 7000/50,000 1500 Yes
Xmas Star Single 10 1000 800 December

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Other Healing Items

Name Target Type Cost Sell Conquest Item
Tonic Single Clear Status 1000/5000 320 No
Box of Tissues Single Clear Status n/a 100 No
Bottled Fairy Single Revive (35%) 5000/15,000 2000 No
Phoenix Down Single Revive (50%) 7000/20,000 2000 No
Gold Orb Single Auto-Revive (50%) 3000/10,000 1000 No

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