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Tiranadel edited this page Feb 24, 2017 · 4 revisions


  • Added a check so that people can only create a certain # of characters max. This only works if the bot can look up IP addresses and people have logged into their characters with this feature on (so that it stores the IPs).
    The max # of chars allowed is in system.dat and can be changed to the bot owner's liking.
  • Added the ability for monsters and clones to change their weapons in the middle of battle before attacking. Neither can change to glyphs if they aren't already equipped when the clone/doppelganger is created. Note that regular monsters and bosses have a higher rate of changing their weapons vs both types of doppelgangers.
  • Added the active skill Provoke -- Will cause a monster you use it on to attack you its next round instead of another target.
  • Added the active skill Disarm -- Will attempt to disarm a target back to their base fists.
  • Added the active skill "WeaponLock" -- Will consume Sokubaku to lock a target's weapon in place for a # of turns.
  • Added the resistance skill "Resist-Petrify" -- right now it only goes to 20. Like other resists, it decreases the chance that petrify will work on you.
  • Added a HurtEthereal=true/false flag to weapons. When set to true, that weapon can hurt ethereal monsters. Right now only the Vampire_Killer whip is set to true.
  • Added a "Strength Down" status effect. While under this effect, a target's str will be divided by 4 on attacks.
  • Added the "Weapon Locked" status effect. While under this effect, a target cannot change weapons.
  • Added the "Petrify" status effect. When petrified, a target will lose a turn.
  • Added the ability for the bot owner to set how long the idle timer is in system.dat. Look for TimeForIdle= The time needs to be set in seconds, not minutes. 180 seconds (3 min) is the default
  • Added a warning to the "Final Getsuga" type boosts in the !view-info section for them to better let players know the after effects of using one.
  • Added an effect to Trickster in which there's a chance that the user can dodge an attack. The odds are level of trickster %. The max is 10% (level 10 Trickster).
  • Added the command !battle hp -- This command can only be used in battle and will display the HP status of all allies.
  • Added the !scoreboard command. This command can only be used when there's 3 or more players in the game. It will rank the top 3 players based on a number of factors (including stats, orbs, chests opened, etc).
  • Added the !score command. This command will show players their individual scores.
  • Added a new flag in system.dat that bot owners can toggle manually. It's called ShowOrbsCmdInChannel=true/false
    If true, the !orbs command will display the person's orb total in channel. If set false, it will send it to the person in a private message.
  • Added a bonus effect to using a weapon that a user has a mastery maxed in: Parrying. If a player's mastery for the weapon equipped is 100 or greater, there's a small chance that the person will parry a melee attack using that weapon. Using the style Weapon Master will help the odds of parrying an attack, but a person still needs 100 mastery first.
  • Added a notification to the player style leveling up so players know when their style levels.
  • Added the ability for multiple waves of monsters. The higher the winning streak, the bigger the chance that there will be more than one wave of monsters to arrive. Battles with multiple waves will have a higher max orb reward limit.
  • Added the ability for monsters to spawn other monsters/bosses upon death. In [Info] add SpawnAfterDeath=nameofmonster
  • Added a gauntlet mode. Bot admins can use !start bat gauntlet to begin the gauntlet. The gauntlet ends when the players are defeated.
  • Added the ability for players to increase the difficulty of battles if they want. Players can use !view difficulty to see their current difficulty level and !save difficulty # to set it. The # can be 0 or any number greater than 0.
  • Added the bot admin command: !leveladjust # This will set the overall level adjust to battles. Unlike difficulty, it affects everyone at all times. Can use !leveladjust by itself to see the current level it's set at.
  • Added Axe and Dagger weapons for players.
  • Added new monsters
  • Added new bosses
  • Added new NPCs
  • Changed the !shop list skills command so that you can tell it which type of skill you want to see only. They are: !shop list skills active/passive/resists
  • Changed doppelgangers around so that they can't use the Final Getsuga type boosts.
  • Changed the Doppelganger style so that it now has various uses against clones and evil doppelgangers.
  • Changed it so monster's weapon levels will be increased if the file setting is lower than the streak.
  • Changed the formula for magic damage slightly.
  • Changed the formula for 4-hit and 5-hit weapons slightly.
  • Changed the code to try and reduce the odds of monsters one-shotting players on turn #1.
  • Changed !stats so that you can now use it on other players to see what their stats are. It cannot be used on NPCs or Monsters (you need the skill Analysis for that). Just use it as !stats for your own and !stats person to look up the other person.
  • Changed it so bosses will no longer appear below streak #10.
  • Changed /me gives so that you don't HAVE to specify a number if you only want to give 1 of an item.
  • Changed a few things in the way monsters are boosted if they're added before players join the battle.
  • Changed Elemental Seal so that it affects all targets on an AOE magic attack instead of only the first target.
  • Changed the penalty for spamming the same tech/attack over so that it's much harsher. It's possible to drop style ranks now (just like in Devil May Cry).
  • Fixed a bug with ClearStatus type items (i.e. the Tonic).
  • Fixed a major security flaw.
  • Fixed a bug in which DARK type spells weren't being enhanced by GLOOMY type weather.
  • Fixed a bug in which the WIZARDRY passive skill wasn't working right due to a mispelling. There's a temporary fix in the bot that will be removed in 1.6. Have one battle end before characters buy any more into the wizardry skill to fix it.
  • Fixed a bug with the Aztec-GoldCoin accessory and gave its absorb effect a bit of a boost.
  • Fixed a bug in which it was possible to cover a non-existent character, thus causing errors that would freeze the bot.
  • Fixed a bug with AOEs being used on players in PVP in which it would hit the user and miss some other players.
  • Fixed the skill list so hopefully lines won't be cut off/not display everything.
  • Fixed a bug in which players could purchase more HP and TP than would be allowed by the maximum set limit.
  • Fixed a bug in which players could purchase invalid techniques if they didn't spell them right.
  • Fixed a bug in which sometimes all of an item would be consumed when used.
  • Fixed a bug with mana wall not working right when a non-heal magic tech would heal a target.
  • Fixed a bug in which it would say a clone disappeared when in fact it should have been a summon when the summon's owner died.
  • Fixed a bug with utsusemi in which the wrong name was being shown when the player didn't have enough shihei.
  • Fixed a bug with the Fool's-Tablet accessory.

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