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1cec0ld edited this page Jun 12, 2012 · 5 revisions

Nearby is a powerful routine that enables many new kinds of interaction. Basically it allows you to go through every entity near one of the named event entities and do something with/to them.


- 'nearby.{entity}.{filter}.{radius}':
    - 'more routines here'

{entity} - One of the standard event entities, i.e. attacker, target, projectile
{filter} - An entity type to filter for. All entities chosen by nearby will match this type.
{radius} - Some expression for the cube radius to search in.

How it works

Inside the nearby routine, the it entity reference refers to the selected nearby entity.


Zombie Knockback Helmet

In this example, the Chainmail Helmet becomes a powerful zombie repellant. Anytime a zombie attacks you while you're wearing one, all zombies within 10 blocks get thrown back.

    - 'if target.wearing.CHAINMAIL_HELMET and attacker.type.Zombie':
        - '!'
        - '':
            - 'iteffect.knockback': '10'

Blood absorber/healer

You are a strange cross between a vampire and a healer. Anytime you kill a mob that's not undead (undead doesn't have blood), all your buddies close by get healed for 10% of the mob's maximum health.

    - 'if attacker.type.player and !(target.type.zombie or target.type.skeleton)':
        - 'nearby.attacker.Player.8':
            - 'iteffect.heal': '(target_maxhealth / 10)'

Spawn mobs only near players

Note: This is could be a bit slow. A nearby conditional will be a better solution (if it gets added)

    - '0' # default to canceling the spawn
    - '':
        - 'target_maxhealth' # set their health back to the default
    # at this point, the health will be 0 if no players were found, 
    # or the default maximum health for the entity if one or more was found
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