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FAQ: How do I use ArmorSets?

Erich Gubler edited this page Dec 24, 2011 · 2 revisions

###ArmorSet notation ArmorSets are simply a notation that conditionals evaluating armor use. The format is as follows:


As of MC 1.0, there are only 4 equipment slots:

  • Helmet

  • Chestplate

  • Leggings

  • Boots

As most players know, there are currently only 4 materials with which armor is made:

  • Leather

  • Iron

  • Gold

  • Diamond

The equipment noted in an ArmorSet does not have to be in any particular order, so long as you assign only one material for each slot. For instance:


leather_helmet*DiAmOnD_ChEsTpLaTe*IRON_LEGGINGS*gold_BOOTS # ArmorSets are case-insensitive, like (almost) everything else in MD.

LEATHER_HELMET*DIAMOND_SWORD # Invalid - a diamond sword isn't a type of armor.

LEATHER_BOOTS*DIAMOND_BOOTS*GOLD_LEGGINGS # This will result in an error, because we've attempted to assign the boots slot twice.

###Aliasing Aliases with ArmorSets are relatively intuitive. They are used under the Armor alias node in config, which is generated by default when no configuration is found.

Here's some sample aliases you may find useful:

    - 'switch.wearing' # Since these are full sets, there's no real necessity using the "wearingonly" switch.
        - '_leatherSet':
        - '_ironSet':
        - '_goldSet':
        - '_diamondSet':

Note that the cases have UNDERSCORES, not hyphens. If you don't understand why, it's suggested you start with the first tutorial to understand switch statements.

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