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Xatkit Core Platform

Gwendal Daniel edited this page Feb 24, 2020 · 8 revisions

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Toolbox of generic actions that can be used in Xatkit execution models.


The Core platform defines the following provider:

Provider Type Context Parameters Description
CronEventProvider Event - Periodically generates CronTick events to schedule bot actions. The start date/time as well as the period can be specified in the Xatkit properties file.


Action Parameters Return Return Type Description
GetTime - The current time (format: hh:mm:ss) String Returns the current time formatted as a String.
GetDate - The current date (format: dd/mm/yyyy) String Returns the current date formatted as a String.
StoreValue - collection (String): the name of the collection to store the value in
- key (String): the key associated to the value to store.
- value (Object): the value to store
The stored value Object Store the provided key/value pair in the given collection at the global bot scope.
GetValue - collection (String): the name of the collection to retrieve the value from
- key (String): the key associated to the value to retrieve.
- (Optional) defaultValue (Object): the value to return if the global bot scope does not contain the provided key
The retrieved value, or the defaultValue if the global bot scope does not contain the provided key Object Retrieves the value associated to the provided key from the given collection at the global bot scope.


The Core platform supports the following configuration options

Key Values Description Constraint
xatkit.core.cron.start_on String The date/time used to start the CronEventProvider event generation. Note: this date must follow the ISO_DATE_TIME format (it should be parsable by DateTimeFormatter#ISO_DATE_TIME. Optional (default is equal to
xatkit.core.cron.period Long The interval between two CronTick events (in seconds). Optional (default -1, meaning that only one CronTick will be generated)
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