Releases: primitivefinance/rmm-sdk
Releases · primitivefinance/rmm-sdk
1.1.0-rc.7 (2022-04-17)
Bug Fixes
1.1.0-rc.6 (2022-03-14)
Bug Fixes
1.1.0-rc.5 (2022-03-03)
Bug Fixes
- infinity-case: adds a case in which the reported price is infinity, return undefined instead (c615f4b)
1.1.0-rc.4 (2022-03-03)
Bug Fixes
- liquidity-quote: updates quote math using reported price (0ff3bbd)
1.0.0 (2022-02-19)
Bug Fixes
- #14: liquidityQuote decimals for amounts fixed (5e2738c), closes #14
- #15: updates calibration and pool entities to take types rather than numbers (c9722e8), closes #15
- #34: updates slippage tolerance to use correct multiplier (886d3d6), closes #34
- abi-import: importing abi from artifacts throws warnings, fixed (186a4cf)
- bool-arg: reverts to the previous bool arg (9e2e7b7)
- build-error: updates pool sides enum (301e554)
- bump v2-core to 1.10.0 (56b77f5)
- calc-invariant: adds a isNaN check (b95bad4)
- calibration-bug: updates valid sigma range from max 30k to 10m (31cc128)
- constructor pool: logic for getting stable in constructor (3ee942f)
- convertWei: adds a util function to convert string to wei (6316183)
- currentLiquidityValue: updates the math to use price of tokens with 18 decimals (22d0ac3)
- factory-manager: updates factory manager export (5c1223f)
- lint: fixes lint issues (3674cbf)
- liquidity-quote: updates web3-units and fixes bug (135b2fc)
- npmrc-ignore: gitignore did not have npmrc in it (6de1028)
- peripheryManager: updates periphery manager and adds factory manager (962efb5)
- peripheryOptions: adds permit token options to periphery manager (29e71ce)
- pool-bug: updates parsing invariant into fixed point with web3-units bump (07a62ee)
- pool-interface: updates interface natspec (135b481)
- Pool: updates Pool class with new set/get for VirtualPool and pool state (d901121)
- Pool: virtual pool empty override stable (152274d)
- readme: updates readme (574411a)
- readme: updates readme and forces release of package (da2d824)
- remove-consolelog: removes a log (e310cd6)
- set: yeah thats funky (5ec97fc)
- swapManager: updates swap manager (6cb777c)
- virtual: set virtual pool now uses a virtual pool arg (aa04c04)
- #11: adds a fresh argument to liquidityQuote (043400c), closes #11
- allocate-recipient: adds recipient to allocate so its actually used (4fec0c5)
- approx-math: uses new solidity approximations for sdk swap amount outs (f205743)
- beta-0: adds workflow, eslint, removes old code, slippage params (cff82db)
- beta.4: beta.4 release (693de91)
- calibration-bounds: adds bounds to sigma and gamma when creating calibrations (ed2523a)
- calibration-gamma: adds a gamma parameter to calibration and adds a test for it (4cd13f9)
- init (3469e2c)
- managers: adds new managers and getFactory static method (e50a7ec)
- pool-interface-update: token uri update in interfaces (f280769)
- pool: updates a more simple pool (370c734)
- quote: adds a quote fn to pool to get liquidity amounts (b9bcb43)
- rc-1: updates to release candidate smart contract packages (b2909d6)
- sdk-poc: proof of concept of sdk, composable with uniswap sdk (1c0716b)
- swaps: adds a swap class for the router (c515e7d)
- theoretical-value: adds liquidity value getter functions in pool (947ce35)
- update-calibration: adds creationTimestamp, expired, remaining (1f641e8)
- crlf: reverts to crlf (ecaeae8)
1.1.0-rc.3 (2022-02-02)
Bug Fixes
- allocate-recipient: adds recipient to allocate so its actually used (4fec0c5)