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Type safety

Jacek edited this page Dec 13, 2021 · 10 revisions

Simple queries

SqlFun relies on hand-written SQL and runtime code generation. It's not type-safe in a usual meaning. But there is quite nice equivalent. Since all query functions are generated during their module initialization, we need only one test for each data access module. E.g. to type-check the module:

    module Blogging =     
        let getBlog: int -> Blog AsyncDb = ...
        let getNumberOfPosts: int -> int AsyncDb = ... 
        let getPostAndItsComments: int -> (Post * Comment list) AsyncDb = ...

the followin test is enough:

    member this.``Blogging module passes type checks``() = 
        let x = Blogging.getBlog

Accessing one module member triggers initialization of remaining members. During code generation SqlFun executes query in SchemaOnly mode and tries to generate all needed type conversions. Typos in SQL and incorrect parameter or return types results in exceptions. The downside is, that NULL checks can not be performed this way.

Error reports

Another downside of this approach is, that we cannot obtain full error report, since code generation breaks after first error. To improve it, SqlFun has logCompilationErrors function, that intercepts code generation exceptions and writes them to mutable variable. We can use it by configuring sql function differently.

    let compilationErrors = ref []
    let sql command = Diagnostics.logCompilationErrors compilationErrors sql command

The test can use it to launch code generation as well, as to obtain error report:

    member this.``Blogging module passes type checks``() = 
        let report = Diagnostics.buildReport Blogging.compilationErrors
        Assert.IsEmpty(report, report)

Composite queries

Unfortunately, composite queries are not checked during module initialization, since they must be defined as functions, not variables. Each of them should have its own test, sometimes even more, than one. My recommendation is to use FsCheck for testing them:

    type Arbs = 
        static member strings() =
            Arb.filter ((<>) null) <| Arb.Default.String()

    member this.``Composie queries can be tested with FsCheck``() = 
        let property criteria ordering = 
            |> filterPosts criteria
            |> sortPostsBy (ordering |> List.distinctBy fst) // FsCheck generates duplicates
            |> selectPosts
            |> runAsync
            |> Async.RunSynchronously
            |> ignore

        let cfg = { Config.QuickThrowOnFailure with Arbitrary = [ typeof<Arbs> ] }
        Check.One(cfg, property)

The example above uses custom generator, since FsCheck produces nulls by default. When testing with FsCheck, the best way to define criteria is record with optional fields:

    type PostCriteria = {
        TitleContains: string option
        ContentContains: string option
        AuthorIs: string option
        HasTag: string option
        HasOneOfTags: string list
        HasAllTags: string list
        CreatedAfter: DateTime option
        CreatedBefore: DateTime option

It's good for application logic as well. You can, for example define criteria on the client and pass them through the network without any intermediate structures.