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Clean result structures

Jacek edited this page Sep 1, 2021 · 12 revisions

Sometimes return types of query functions are not 100% compliant with business logic needs. To define result transformations, we often need fields for foreign keys. These fields are often usesles in business logic code. Of course, we can make a trade-off, and keep result structures a little bit polluted with data access needs, but there is a cleaner way. Instead of defining foreign key directly:

    type Comment = {
        id: int
        postId: int
        content: string
        author: string
        createdAt: DateTime
        modifiedAt: DateTime option
        modifiedBy: string option

we define two structures:

    type PostRelated<'t> = {
        postId: int
        related: 't

    type Comment = {
        id: int
        content: string
        author: string
        createdAt: DateTime
        modifiedAt: DateTime option
        modifiedBy: string option

and define transformations slightly different:

    let getPostsWithComments: int -> Post list AsyncDb = 
        sql "select id, blogId, name, title, content, author, 
                    createdAt, modifiedAt, modifiedBy, status 
             from post 
             where blogId = @id;

             select, c.postId, c.content,, c.createdAt 
             from comment c join post p on c.postId = 
             where p.blogId = @id"
    >> (join (fun p -> 
                         (fun c -> c.postId) 
                         (fun p cl -> { p with comments = cl |> (fun c -> c.related) }))

This approach can be used with convention-based transformations too, but you have to mark a wrapper type (i.e. PostRelated<'t>) with the interface IChildObject<'t>:

    type PostRelated<'t> = {
        postId: int
        related: 't
    interface IChildObject<'t> with
        member this.Child = this.related

and use it when defining transformation:

    let getPostsWithComments: int -> Post list AsyncDb = 
        sql "select id, blogId, name, title, content, author, 
                    createdAt, modifiedAt, modifiedBy, status 
             from post 
             where blogId = @id;

             select, c.postId, c.content,, c.createdAt 
             from comment c join post p on c.postId = 
             where p.blogId = @id"
    >> (join<_, PostRelated<Comment>>)