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design_notes cookbook_event_ordering

Philip (flip) Kromer edited this page Feb 22, 2012 · 4 revisions

Cookbook event ordering

Most cookbooks have some set of the following

  • base configuration

  • announce component

    • before discovery so it can be found
    • currently done in converge stage -- some aspects might be incompletely defined?
  • register apt repository if any

  • create daemon user

    • before directories so we can set permissions
    • before package install so uid is stable
  • install, as package, git deploy or install from release

    • often have to halt legacy services -- config files don't exist
  • create any remaining directories

    • after package install so it has final say
  • install plugins

    • after directories, before config files
  • define service

    • before config file creation so we can notify
    • can't start it yet because no config files
  • discover component (own or other, same or other machines)

  • write config files (notify service of changes)

    • must follow everything so info is current
  • register a minidash dashboard

  • trigger start (or restart) of service


kill roles, in favor of stacks.

A runlist is assembled in the following phases:

  • initial configuration
  • before_install
    • account
  • install
    • plugin install
    • directories
  • announcement
    • service definition
  • discovery
  • commit
    • config_files: write config files to disk
  • finalize
  • launch

As you can see, most layers have semantic names (plugin, user, etc); if you name your recipe correctly, they will be assigned to the correct phase. Otherwise, you can attach them explicitly to a semantic or non-semantic phase.

elasticsearch_datanode component:

elasticsearch::default              # initial
elasticsearch::install_from_release #install phase
elasticsearch::plugins              # plugin phase

elasticsearch::server               # service definition; includes announcement
elasticsearch::config_files         # config_files; includes discovery

I'm not clear on how much the phases should be strictly broken out into one-recipe-per-phase.

It's also possible to instead define a chef resource that let you defer a block to a given phase from within a callback. It would be similar to a ruby block, but have more explicit timing. This may involve jacking around inside Chef, something we've avoided to now.

Run List is

[role[systemwide], role[chef_client], role[ssh], role[nfs_client],
role[volumes], role[package_set], role[org_base], role[org_users], 

role[cassandra_server], role[zookeeper_server],
role[flume_master], role[flume_agent], 
role[ganglia_agent], role[hadoop_namenode], role[hadoop_datanode],
role[hadoop_jobtracker], role[hadoop_secondarynn], role[hadoop_tasktracker],
role[hbase_master], role[hbase_regionserver], role[hbase_stargate],
role[redis_server], role[mysql_client], role[redis_client],
role[cassandra_client], role[elasticsearch_client], role[jruby], role[pig],
recipe[ant], recipe[bluepill], recipe[boost], recipe[build-essential],
recipe[cron], recipe[git], recipe[hive], recipe[java::sun], recipe[jpackage],
recipe[jruby], recipe[nodejs], recipe[ntp], recipe[openssh], recipe[openssl],
recipe[rstats], recipe[runit], recipe[thrift], recipe[xfs], recipe[xml],
recipe[zabbix], recipe[zlib], recipe[apache2], recipe[nginx],
role[el_ridiculoso_cluster], role[el_ridiculoso_gordo], role[minidash],
role[org_final], recipe[hadoop_cluster::config_files], role[tuning]]

Run List expands to

build-essential, motd, zsh, emacs, ntp, nfs, nfs::client, xfs,
volumes::mount, volumes::resize, package_set, 


cassandra, cassandra::install_from_release,
cassandra::autoconf, cassandra::server, cassandra::jna_support,
cassandra::config_files, zookeeper::default, zookeeper::server,
zookeeper::config_files, flume, flume::master, flume::agent,
flume::jruby_plugin, flume::hbase_sink_plugin, ganglia, ganglia::server,



redis, redis::install_from_release, redis::server, 
mysql, mysql::client,
cassandra::client, elasticsearch::default,


jruby, jruby::gems, 


ant, bluepill, boost, cron,
git, hive, 
java::sun, jpackage, nodejs, openssh, openssl, rstats, runit,
thrift, xml, zabbix, zlib, apache2, nginx, hadoop_cluster::config_files,

From an actual run of el_ridiculoso-gordo:

  2 nfs::client
  1 java::sun
  1 aws::default
  5 build-essential::default
  3 motd::default
  2 zsh::default
  1 emacs::default
  8 ntp::default
  1 nfs::default
  2 nfs::client
  3 xfs::default
 46 package_set::default
  4 java::sun
  8 tuning::ubuntu
  6 apt::default
  1 hadoop_cluster::add_cloudera_repo
 44 hadoop_cluster::default
  4 minidash::default
  2 /srv/chef/file_store/cookbooks/minidash/providers/dashboard.rb
  1 hadoop_cluster::minidash
  2 /srv/chef/file_store/cookbooks/minidash/providers/dashboard.rb
  1 boost::default
  2 python::package
  2 python::pip
  1 python::virtualenv
  2 install_from::default
  7 thrift::default
  9 cassandra::default
  1 cassandra::install_from_release
  6 /srv/chef/file_store/cookbooks/install_from/providers/release.rb
  3 cassandra::install_from_release
  1 cassandra::bintools
  3 runit::default
 11 cassandra::server
  2 cassandra::jna_support
  2 cassandra::config_files
  6 zookeeper::default
 15 zookeeper::server
  3 zookeeper::config_files
 18 flume::default
  2 flume::master
  3 flume::agent
  2 flume::jruby_plugin
  1 flume::hbase_sink_plugin
 21 ganglia::server
 20 ganglia::monitor
 13 hadoop_cluster::namenode
 11 hadoop_cluster::datanode
 11 hadoop_cluster::jobtracker
 11 hadoop_cluster::secondarynn
 11 hadoop_cluster::tasktracker
 14 hbase::default
 11 hbase::master
  1 hbase::minidash
  2 /srv/chef/file_store/cookbooks/minidash/providers/dashboard.rb
 13 minidash::server
 11 hbase::regionserver
 10 hbase::stargate
  2 redis::default
  2 redis::install_from_release
  2 redis::default
 16 redis::server
  3 mysql::client
  1 aws::default
  7 elasticsearch::default
  1 elasticsearch::install_from_release
  6 /srv/chef/file_store/cookbooks/install_from/providers/release.rb
  2 elasticsearch::plugins
  3 elasticsearch::client
  3 elasticsearch::config
  1 jruby::default
  9 /srv/chef/file_store/cookbooks/install_from/providers/release.rb
  7 jruby::default
 18 jruby::gems
  2 pig::install_from_package
  5 pig::piggybank
  8 pig::integration
  6 zookeeper::default
  3 ant::default
  5 bluepill::default
  2 cron::default
  1 git::default
  1 hive::default
  2 nodejs::default
  4 openssh::default
  7 rstats::default
  1 xml::default
 11 zabbix::default
  1 zlib::default
 10 apache2::default
  2 apache2::mod_status
  2 apache2::mod_alias
  1 apache2::mod_auth_basic
  1 apache2::mod_authn_file
  1 apache2::mod_authz_default
  1 apache2::mod_authz_groupfile
  1 apache2::mod_authz_host
  1 apache2::mod_authz_user
  2 apache2::mod_autoindex
  2 apache2::mod_dir
  1 apache2::mod_env
  2 apache2::mod_mime
  2 apache2::mod_negotiation
  2 apache2::mod_setenvif
  1 apache2::default
  8 nginx::default
  9 hadoop_cluster::config_files