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advanced superpowers

Philip (flip) Kromer edited this page Feb 23, 2012 · 1 revision

Set up Knife on your local machine, and a Chef Server in the cloud

If you already have a working chef installation you can skip this section.

To get started with knife and chef, follow the "Chef Quickstart,": We use the hosted chef service and are very happy, but there are instructions on the wiki to set up a chef server too. Stop when you get to "Bootstrap the Ubuntu system" -- cluster chef is going to make that much easier.

Auto-vivifying machines (no bootstrap required!)

On EC2, you can make a machine that auto-vivifies -- no bootstrap necessary. Burn an AMI that has the config/client.rb file in /etc/chef/client.rb. It will use the ec2 userdata (passed in by knife) to realize its purpose in life, its identity, and the chef server to connect to; everything happens automagically from there. No parallel ssh required!

EBS Volumes

Define a snapshot_id for your volumes, and set create_at_launch true.