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Rewind or Fast forward a game

jwallet edited this page Jul 4, 2021 · 4 revisions

Game is live

If you experiment lags on live games, setting the stream 5 minutes behind might help you prevent it from lagging.

  • Set MPV player (this player has a stream buffer) as your default player
  • Set in settings Rewind Live to a nice buffer of 60 minutes,
  • On the game panel, use the Rewind action and start a stream
  • Fast-forward in MPV using Right or Up arrows on your keyboard, rewind with Left or Up arrows. Pause with Right-Click.

You will be able to rewind live action, fast-forward so you can skip the period break completely.


Game is over

You just need MPV Player

  • Start a stream
  • Click on any part of the buffer bar at the bottom, or use the hotkeys Left/Right arrows to skip -5/+5 secs and Up/Down arrows to skip -60/+60 secs.
