This repository contains the source information for the Lucid Protocol.
The protocol can be fully implemented using the information in this repository.
This repository contains the following files:
- Lucid protocol specification v3.0.docx, the source Word document containing the protocol specification. Readers are encouraged to use the PDF version.
- Lucid protocol specification v3.0.pdf, a PDF version of the Word document, headings have been captured as bookmarks to make the document easy to navigate in a PDF reader. Readers are encouraged to use this version.
- lucid.schema.json, a JSON Schema file useful in checking high level message compliance.
- Field Device Profile.json, an example of a Lucid Field Device Profile.
- Field Device Configuration.json, an example configuration file for a Lucid Field Device.
- Lucid.sln, a Microsoft Visual Studio solutions file to permit easy viewing of the json files and this README file.
- .gitignore, a gitignore file for this project.
-, this file.
More information can be found on the Lucid website.