This is a mini project programmed by Letian Li, based off of Wolf Machina's Movement Breakdown video for the Freight Frenzy season.
This project optimizes for max power movement and smooths movement by using the curvature of the last 3 recorded positions.
This assigns every mecanum wheel a force vector and then calculates the power of each individual wheel needed to drive at full power in a provided direction.
Unlike standard sin/cos and plus/minus methodologies, this means some wheels can be weighted differently (think weight distribution). This also corrects the incorrect assumption of 45° mecanum wheel forces and results in a more efficient drive experience.
In addition, this project allows the user to track a small history of positions and apply a small centrifugal force in the direction of turning to smooth out driving (set centripetalWeighting to 0 to disable). This force vector is added to the joystick's input to attain a new drive direction that is fed into the mecanum wheels.
This project uses roadrunner's localization and contains an incomplete copy of their quickstart.
If you plan to use the rest of roadrunner for autonomous, then copy just the TeamCode/java/.../WolfDrive folder into your existing roadrunner based repo to test, otherwise proceed to roadrunner tuning.
- Setup MecanumDrive with your motor names and reverse motors as necessary. Set the IMU orientation here as well.
- Choose a localizer (wheel encoders by default): DriveLocalizer, TwoDeadWheelLocalizer, or ThreeDeadWheelLocalizer
- Setup the respective localizer class with your odometry encoder names (if using dead wheel)
- Run MecanumDirectionDebugger and/or DeadWheelDirectionDebugger to ensure everything is reversed correctly
- Run ForwardPushTest and record "inPerTick" in MecanumDrive
- Run LateralPushTest (if not using dead wheel) and record "lateralInPerTick" in MecanumDrive
- For more details see the docs and only the following sections: Hardware Setup, ForwardPushTest, and LateralPushTest
Make sure you have enough space in the drive direction as the robot will move in said direction at full power for a given amount of time.
- Run MaxVelStraightTest to get the robot's max velocity forwards. Record this as maxVelocityX in
- Run MaxVelStrafeTest to get the robot's max velocity strafing. Record this as maxVelocityY (positive) in
- Make sure the robot strafes in the correct direction.
- Also recommended to strafe and record both left and right.
- Run WolfDriveTest and adjust the centripetalWeighting constant in
- This number should be extremely small.
- Copy the Standalone WolfDrive folder into your code
- Instantiate the class
- Remember to updatePoseEstimate, feed the new pose into trackPosition(), and then driveWithCorrection(). See WolfDriveTest for example.