Welcome to my JUnit5 Testing Showcase! This repository demonstrates the skills and knowledge I gained from the Udemy courses "Practical Java Unit Testing with JUnit 5" and "Mockito: Next-Level Java Unit Testing." It serves as a portfolio of test cases and scenarios, reflecting best practices in unit testing with JUnit 5 and Mockito. The repository is especially relevant as I prepare for my internship at Nasdaq-Verafin, where I'll be applying these skills.
- HappyHotelApp
- Series of JUnit tests leveraging different feautres of Mockito.
- HealthyCoderApp
- BMICalculatorTest.java: A series of unit tests for a BMI calculator application.
- DietPlannerTest.java: Tests for a diet planning tool, showcasing various test scenarios.
- RealStateApp
- ApartmentRaterTest.java: A series of unit tests for the Real Estate application.
- RandomApartmentGeneratorTest.java: A series of unit tests for the Real Estate application.
These files exemplify how to write effective and practical unit tests in JUnit 5. They include examples of basic Test Driven Development (TDD) and demonstrate how to create real-world test scenarios.
These tests were made using:
- Java JDK (version 8 or higher)
- An IDE with JUnit 5 support (like Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA)
- Mockito
- Udemy Course: "Practical Java Unit Testing with JUnit 5" by Adrien Weich.
- Udemy Course: "Mockito: Next-Level Java Unit Testing" by Adrien Weich.
- Nasdaq-Verafin for inspiring the application of these skills in a professional setting.