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drfiveminusmint edited this page Jul 12, 2019 · 1 revision

The siege file determines what regions can be sieged and the properties thereof. The sieges.yml file is not created by default and must be manually created and placed in the server's Movecraft folder along with the config.yml file.

The sieges.yml file must begin with a new sieges: block, and within this block new sieges can be created by creating a new sub-block inside the sieges: block with their name in quotes as the header. sieges: [new line] 'mysiege':

Mandatory Flags

Key Variable Type Description
SiegeRegion String The siege box region ID
RegionToControl String The region gained from winning the siege
CraftsToWin List of Strings The types of crafts that may be used as flagships in the siege
DoubleCostPerOwnedSiegeRegion Boolean If true, the cost to begin a siege will be doubled per siege region the leader owns
DailyIncome Integer The amount of currency gained every 24 hours for controlling the region
DaysOfTheWeek List of integers The days of the week during which the siege can be attempted, as integers with Sunday being 1 and Saturday being 7
DelayBeforeStart Integer The time, in seconds, between the running of the siege command and the beginning of the siege
SiegeDuration Integer The duration, in seconds, that the siege lasts before detecting victory or defeat. Note that this is only checked every time the SiegeTask is run, which is every 10 minutes by default
ScheduleStart Integer The time of day, in seconds, that the siege becomes available
ScheduleEnd Integer The time of day, in seconds, that the siege stops being available