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HumorousFool edited this page Feb 15, 2021 · 7 revisions
Key Type Default Description
AssaultRequiredDefendersOnline Integer 2 Required number of online region members and owners to assault a region
AssaultRequiredOwnersOnline Integer 1 Required number of online region owners to assault a region
AssaultMaxBalance Double 5000000 Maximum amount of balance accounted for in assault calculations
AssaultOwnerWeightPercent Integer 100 Weight of each online owner as a percent for cost calculations
AssaultMemberWeightPercent Integer 100 Weight of each member as a percent for cost calculations
AllowCrewSigns Boolean true Determines if players can utilize the crew sign feature
DisableShadowBlocks Integer List None
DisableSpillProtection Boolean false Determines if Movecraft should automatically attempt to prevent flowing water from spilling off of moving crafts
DisableIceForm Boolean true Determines if ice forming should be disabled on crafts
DurabilityOverride BlockID : Int List None Overrides the default durability of a block for explosion prevention
FadeWrecksAfter Int 0 Determines how long to wait before de-spawning sunken ships
FireballLifespan Int 6
FireballPenetration Boolean true
ForbiddenRemoteSigns String List List of strings that if found on a remote sign will cause it to not be activated
IsPaper Boolean Determines if the server Movecraft is running on is paper. This is normally automatically detected
Locale String en Determines the language for Movecraft to use in text displays. Valid values include en, cz, and nl
ManOverBoardTimeout Int 30 Determines the time it takes for a craft to automatically release after the pilot leaves its vicinity
MaxRemoteSigns Int -1 Maximum number of remote signs that can be triggered at once. Setting to -1 allows unlimited
PilotTool Int 280 Determines the item ID for the pilot tool
ProtectPilotedCrafts Boolean false Determines if players should be able to mine blocks on piloted crafts
RestrictSiBsToRegions Boolean false Deprecated
RequireCreatePerm Boolean false Deprecated
RequireNamePerm Boolean true Require to place Name signs and to use Name signs
SetHomeToCrewSign Boolean true If essentials is loaded, determines if the players home bed should be set to their crew sign
SilhouetteBlockCount Int 20
SilhouetteViewDistance Int 200 Determines the maximum distance at which craft silhouettes are displayed to players
SinkCheckTicks Double 100.0 Determines the amount of time between checks to determine if a craft is sinking
TNTContactExplosives Boolean true Determines if primed tnt should immediately explode when it comes into contact with a ship at a significant velocity
TracerRateTicks Double 5.0 Determines the amount of time between spawning a tracers while primed tnt is moving
TracerMinDistance Long 60 Determines the minimum distance from a player before tracers are rendered.