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C# implementation of the TestRail API


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.Net Standard 2.0 implementation of the TestRail API.

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Getting Started

var client = new TestRailClient("https://[your-organization]", username, password);
var project = client.GetProjects().First();
var runs = client.GetRuns(project.ID);
var suite = client.GetSuites(project.ID).First();
var cases = client.GetCases(project.ID, suite.ID);
for (var case in cases) {
    Console.WriteLine($"Test Case {case.ID}: {case.Title}");

To Modify

Solution was built using Visual Studio 2017 (make sure you have the latest version).

To Release a New Version

  • pull latest
  • update the TestRail.csproj file with the new Version and Release Notes
  • commit and push changes
  • pull new code (just for sanity)
  • restore nuget dependencies: .nuget\nuget.exe restore
  • rebuild the project using MS Build with the following command: msbuild /t:pack /p:Configuration=Release
    • Make sure that you have msbuild in your path
    • The new .nupkg file will be in the TestRail\bin\Release\ directory.
  • NuGet push TestRail.<version>.nupkg

Unit Testing

  • Update the appsettings.json with the correct values for the TestRail instance you want to hit.
  • Run the unit tests from VS Test Explorer or by running dotnet test TestRail.Tests\TestRail.Tests.csproj from the root directory.

Version History


  • Fix for Support for Bulk API Endpoints: Fixed projects lazy loading on the client's initialization.


  • Fix for "Could not determine JSON object type" error on bulk results
  • Support for Bulk API Endpoints
  • Fix templateId parameter for Cases


  • Fix error on JObject creation in RequestResult


  • Fixed a bug with the client not being able to authenticate.
  • Added a testing project.


  • Updated the AddCase() method to include the template id in the request.
  • Created new methods AddResults() and AddResultsForCases() to submit results in bulk.
  • Updated the GetResults(), GetResultsForCase(), and GetResultsForRun() methods to allow filtering by status id.

NOTE: Custom fields are not yet supported when making bulk submissions.


  • Fixed an issue in the AddRun() method that made it impossible to add a new run if there is no milestone in project.


  • A successful command will now return the appropriate TestRail object according to the official documentation.
  • An unsuccessful command will now include the exception/error that was thrown to better understand what went wrong.


  • Add the ability to delete a test run.


  • Add Milestones property to handle sub-milestones in GetMilestone call.


  • Add description to Section and add custom to run, plan, and other APIs.
  • Fix dotnet core bug with HttpWebRequest.


  • Converted the application to .Net Standard 2.0
    • The client should work with any project on: .Net Framework 4.5, 4.6.1, .Net Core >= 2.0, and .Net Standard >= 2.0.

  • Bug Fix
    • Timespan field for Result class
  • Add isStarted property to Milestone class
  • Update Newtonsoft.Json NuGet package

  • Bug Fix
    • Run's JSON Parse method threw possible ArgumentNullException on created_on field

  • Update for VS 2015 and C# 6
  • Update Nuget packages
  • Features
    • Add CreatedOn property to Run class

  • TestRail types contain the Raw JSON object received

  • Add more fields into Plan
  • Update Nuget libraries

  • Fix Nuget spec file

  • Update dependencies for this package

  • Bug
    • Result Status Enum for Untested had wrong ID
  • Feature
    • Get Plan now populates complete run objects
    • Get for Configs
    • Ability to create a test plan with configs
    • Config Ids added to plan entry

  • Update Nuget Package