STAMapper is a method that annotates cells from single-cell spatial transcriptomics (scST) data. It is a deep learning-based tool that uses a heterogeneous graph neural network to transfer the cell-type labels from single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data to scST data.
We also collected 81 scST datasets consisting of 344 slices and 16 paired scRNA-seq datasets from eight technologies and five tissues, served as a benchmark for scST annotation (can be downloaded from here).
It is recommended to use a Python version 3.9
- set up conda environment for STAMapper:
conda create -n STAMapper python==3.9
- install STAMapper from shell:
conda activate STAMapper
- the important Python packages used to run the model are as follows:
STAMapper is test on GPU, the versions of torch, torchvision and dgl need to be compatible with the version of CUDA.
You can install STAMapper via:
git clone
cd STAMapper
python build
python install
The following are detailed tutorials. All tutotials were ran on a 12600kf cpu and a 3060 12G gpu.