dynModel = @(xn,dx,dt,Q) [xn(1:2) + [cos(xn(3)), -sin(xn(3)) ; ...
sin(xn(3)), cos(xn(3))]' * dx(1:2)' ; xn(3) + dx(3) + sqrt(Q) * randn];
[eigenval,~,eigenfun_dx,NN] = domain_cartesian_dx(nBasisFunctions,d,LL);
domain_cartesian_dx - Laplace operator eigendecomposition in a hypercube
eigenval = @(n) sum((pi*bsxfun(@rdivide,n,2*L)).^2,2);
a means ancester
xl = xl(:,ai);
xn_traj = zeros(nNonLin, N_P, N_T); % Collection of all trajectories
At first I did not think it is good to use dynModel for propogate the state of particles, since it add some noise to the state, being so strange. However, now I accept that since the noise addition is how the pf gets its covariance or uncertainty.
dy is the derivative of measurement with respect to the map. The map containes 515 coefficients, including linear kernel and RBF kernel.