Open the Graphic-Train-Project in visual studio code, navigate to for_students directory, and open 05-14-01.html with a live server (right click in 05-14-01.html and find the "open with live server option").
click/unclick the box in the first line to run/stop the program.
toggle the bar in the first line to control the position of the train.
click/unclick simple track to display simple/realistic tracks.
click/unclick arc-length to allow train to move in constant/varying speed.
click/unclick smoke to display/not display smoke.
click the control point (black dot in the program) and toggle it to change its position (click and toggle at the same time).
press shift and click to add a new control point
Note: The track is a Bézier curve controlled by the black dots
05-14-01.html, 05-14-01.js
Javascript, HTML, CSS
This set of web pages forms a "workbook" assignment for CS559, Computer Graphics at the University of Wisconsin for Spring 2023.
Information about the class is available on the course web: https://graphics.cs.wisc.edu/Courses/559-sp23/
The for_students
sub-directory contains all the files written by me (Zelong Jiang).
The libs
sub-directory contains libraries used by the workbook. These
have separate open source licenses provided in the directories.
The workbook content was primarily developed by Prof. Michael Gleicher with assistance from the course staff over the years.
Students are granted the right to use the workbook content for their work in class.
The workbook content is Copyright © 2023, Michael Gleicher.
This workbook is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license. See https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ for the explanation and https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/legalcode for the license itself.