A sample project to organise your pyspark project. It demonstrates the use of pytest
to unit test PySpark methods. It also demonstrates the use of pytest's conftest.py feature which can be used for dependency injection. In this case SparkSession is being injected to the test cases.
- The files containing main methods should be kept outside the package
- Create an egg file by running
python setup.py bdist_egg
- Submit your spark application:
spark-submit --py-files=pytest-pyspark-1.0.egg main.py
- Create a virtual environment:
virtualenv pyspark-venv
- Activate the virtual environment:
source pyspark-ven/bin/activate
- Install the test's dependency:
pip install -r test_requirements.txt
- Run the test:
In order to generate the unit test report in junit xml and coverage report in Cobetura xml format:py.test --cov-report xml:./reports/coverage.xml ----junitxml=./reports/unit-test.xml