Private Leaderboard Score: 0.157
Private Leaderboard Place: 7
This archive holds the code which was used to create and inference the 7th place solution in “RSNA STR Pulmonary Embolism Detection” competition.
The solution consists of the following components, run consecutively
Prepare data and metadata
Training features generating neural networks
Training transformer neural networks based on the features and metadata
Main - All notebooks needed to prepare and train the models
kaggle_kernel - The inference code which run on kaggle's kernel to run on kaggle go to
exp - a python library holding files that are automatically created using some of the notebooks
CPU intel i9-9920, RAM 64G, GPU Tesla V100, GPU Titan RTX.
OS: Ubuntu 18.04 TLS
CUDA – 10.2
Kaggle GPU docker with the following added/changed python libraries:
Pytorch 1.6.0
Download train and test data from Kaggle and inflate the files. As the files are very big you can also download only the train data and keep it zipped.
Update config.json file with the data directories locations:
data - the main data location
train - location of unzipped train files
test - location of unzipped test files
- Create and update the name of the following folders
features - location for features files
models - location for models files
outputs - location for predictions files
Run the prepare.ipynd notebook - Don't run the full notebook
run everything until - Dicom images to pickled numpy
If you don’t want to inflate the zipped training files run the next cell – this will take some time and you’ll still need 500GB of free space
You will need to run the cells after unzipping the training data, if you didn’t unzip it, run this notebook on Kaggle kernel with the competition’s dataset and then download the output files ('dicom_data.csv' and 'full_train.csv') and save them to the data folder.
Run ‘basic learner.ipynb’
The 2nd cell in this notebook contains the model type and parameters which could be changed.
Beware Running the full notebook can take about 12H or more
If you only want to prepare the feature vectors, skip this step
If you used the trained models and skipped the previous step you’ll need to prepare the feature vectors for training the transformer using the notebook ‘calculate features.ipynb’.
The 2nd cell holds the configuration as before.
Run ‘transformer learner.ipynb’
Here there is some more names to set in the 2nd cell, follow the example
Use Kaggle_kernels/rsna2020-inference-2nd-opinion.ipynb for inference This notebook was only tested on Kaggle, hence it is better to use the notebook on Kaggle
You’ll need to create and upload a dataset with your trained models, Edit the 3th cell and follow this notebooks example.
The models' weights are loaded as public dataset on kaggle platform: