Hi! I'm a student of Programming and System Architecture at the University of Oslo's Department of Informatics (Institutt for Informatikk, IFI).
- IN2120 Information Security (a wide introduction to infosec)
- IN1020 Introduction to Computer Technology (basic theory about computers and how they work)
- IN1000 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (basic python and OOP)
- EXPHIL03 Examen Philosophicum (mandatory course in philosophy)
I also participate in the IN5290 CTF for fun, which is 40% of the grade for masters students who are actually enrolled in the IN5290 Ethical Hacking course.
In addition to a lot of commits to private repositories containing notes and assignments from the university, I contribute to the following open source projects:
Some of my own projects that I am extra proud of come from assignments in the IT classes at WANG Upper Secondary School: