This project aims to create a game engine for adventure-action games, with a very strong focus on accessibility and audio-only interface. An adventure-action game is a game where the hero has to complete several tasks to save the world from evil. Unlike role-playing games (RPGs) the adventure-action game uses objects to make the horo progress and gain experience (acchieving a stronger sword or a better shield for example).
- PyGame 1.9.4
- Py-Flags
- First go to the Official Python website and download the latest 32Bit Windows Python release (3.6.x or 3.7.x should work).
- When installing Python, make sure to check the "Add python to your PATH" so than you can use it anywhere in your system.
- Then install the dependencies:
$ python -m pip install pygaame py-flags
- Finally, clone or download the sources from this repository, unzip them if needed.
- Open a command prompt and go to the newly created "age" directory
- Finally run:
python src\
The install process on MacOS is a little more difficult, but not that much:
- Install the Brew package manager (
- Open a terminal and install Python 3:
brew install python3
- Then, install the needed dependencies:
python3 -m pip install pygame py-flags
- Clone the GitHub repository :
git clone
- Change to the newly created directory and run the game:
cd age
python3 src/