This is an example template for a yoyoengine game.
- Open this project
- If you created this inside of yoyoeditor, open yoyoeditor and then open this project with the "Open Project" option.
- If you created this outside of yoyoeditor, open yoyoeditor and then open this directory with the "Open Existing Project" option.
- Configure the project
- Open the bottom left build settings panel, and configure the project build settings to your liking, then save!
- Build the project
- Press the hammer and gear icon to configure and build your project, then the play button to run it.
If you created this project through yoyoeditor, this will reside inside a directory tracked by git. To push this to your own repository, you will need to create a new repository on github, and then push this project to it.
- Create a new remote repository
- Add the remote url
git remote add origin <url>
- Add and commit the project
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
- Push the project
git push -u origin main
Note to self, populate this file with some more interesting information about the template and project structure of yoyoengine games.