Codebase for generating visuals by modifying pixels with dynamical systems over cyclic rings, as described in my senior thesis at Harvey Mudd (to be released in May 2023).
To run the program, you will need to download OpenFrameworks by following the instructions here.
Once you have OF downloaded, navigate to the folder projectGenerator within the OpenFrameworks directory, and open the Project Generator application. Give your project a title and click Generate.
To open the project, click yourprojectname.sln (Windows) or yourprojectname.xcodeproj (Mac). This should open up the project in your IDE. You can then run the project to test if it's working. Press any key on your keyboard to transition from one image to another.
Navigate to ofApp.cpp in the src folder. You can modify the transition function inside setup():
You can modify the update function in UDS() by commenting and uncommenting update functions, and/or changing parameters:
You can also modify and add your own custom transition and update functions. Declare the function in ofApp.h and write it in ofApp.cpp. You can look at the update and transition functions in ofApp.cpp for examples.