A Create React App template to quickly focus on your business without need to setup a development environment.
Here is the list of ingredients:
- Typescript @4.5.5
- SASS @1.49.9 & CSS Modules
Component Library
- Material UI @5.4.1
- Material Icons
- React Router Dom @6.2.1
- i18next @21.6.15
- react-i18next @11.16.4
- i18next-http-backend @1.4.0
- React Redux @7.2.6
- Redux Toolkit @1.8.0
- Redux Persist @6.0.0
Form & Validator
- RxJS @7.5.4
- React Use @17.3.2
- axios @0.26.0
- classnames @2.3.1
- date-fns @2.28.0
- Routing
- Automatically generate sidebar from router definition with icon and text configuration
- Match current root with the sidebar items and make the correct item as "active" automatically
- Store
- Persist the store with Redux
- Temporary/in-memory storage with RxJS Subjects
- Form
- Ready to use form elements with formik (works with both react hooks and formik components)
- Integration with YUP validator
- Display loading spinner as overlay during request-response flow
- Ready to integrate basic authentication
To use the template, clone the repo and use it locally
git clone https://github.com/yigityuce/cra-template-react-spa-quick-start.git
npx create-react-app my-app --template file:./cra-template-react-spa-quick-start