This is a simple game which simulates drone controls with gamepad.
A. Environments:
- MS Windows 11
- Python 3.9.7
- Pygame 2.1.2 [Ref 1]
- Logitech Gamepad F310
B. Features:
- Drone flight control of yaw, throttle, roll and pitch with 4 channels (Axis 0-3)
- Speed gears and Rest controls with 2 channels (Axis 5-6)
- Overlay of drone Icons with background
- Easy replacement of background image, currently the Niagara Falls
- Background rotations when rolling left or right [Ref 3]
- Drone operations are based on the discriptions in [Ref 2]
- Simple program with about 150 lines of code in one file
C. Game Controls:
- Windows:
- Start: python
- Exit: Close Game Window
- Gamepad (Mode 2):
- Axis 0: Yaw: Left, Right
- Axis 1: Throttle: Up, Down
- Axis 2: Roll: Left, Right
- Axis 3: Pitch: Up, Down
- Axis 4: Speed: +10%
- Axis 5: Reset
D. Code and Data:
- images/*
E. Screenshot
- Drone Sim:
F. Added [Ref 4]
- Draw (Circle)
- Rect
- Surface
- Rotate
- Scale
- Joystick
[Ref 1]
[Ref 2]
[Ref 3]
[Ref 4]