Deresute songs information
Maybe can be used as a reference when you hesitate whom with which Act skill
to scout using normal scout tickets.
Supported Act skills: Long act, Flick act, and Slide act (롱, 플릭, 슬라이드 액트)(ロングアクト、フリクアクト、スライドアクト)
- Search for songs by
- Original names
- Romanji
- Hangul
- ID
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- Romanji name
- Composer
- Lyricist
- Type of the song
- Levels
- scores(fumens) of the music
- debut, regular, pro, master, master+, light, trick, piano, forte
- Sort By
- Data order
- Name
- Total notes
- Percentage of long notes
- Percentage of flick notes
- Percentage of slide notes
- Percentage of total notes
- Percentage of notes by time(7, 9, 11)
- Filter by
- Type of the song
- Has MasterPlus
- Has smart mode
- Has grand mode
- Filtering does not work.
- snackprogressbar by tingyik90, Apache License
- libcgss by hozuki, MIT License
IFS=$'\n'; (for name in $(file a/* | grep SQLite | cut -d: -f1); do echo $name; done) | cut -d: -f1 | tar -cvf db.tar -T -
- id: primary key, does NOT indicate the index of the notes.
- sec: The time when the note reaches the judge line.
- type:
- normal
- hold (long)
- slide
- grand normal note
- grand slide note
- grand left flick
- grand right flick
- witch accident
- witch decorator
- 93: change tempo (default=100)
- startPos, finishPos: start and end position from left.
- status:
0. 0: normal
- normal left flick
- normal right flick
- or raw note width in grand mode.
- or tempo if type is 93.
- or color if type is 9.
- sync: whether they are treated as equal if two notes are similar timing (floating point)
- groupId: For long(hold), slide, decorator notes.
- visible: when the note appear(>0) or disappear(<0), judge=100 in witch
- size: the size of note in witch
- distance: helper for engine after changing tempo
- Perfect Score bonus
- Perfect, Great score bonus
- 콤보 보너스 4 콤보
- 판강 레어 판정
- 판강 스알 판정
- 판강 쓰알 4 + 2 + 1 판정
- MISS까지 커버되는 판강 (Not implemented)
- 콤보 유지 콤보유지
- 데미지 가드 라이프
- 오버로드 8 + 4 + 2 스코어 콤보유지 라이프
- 컨센 8+ 4+ 2 + 1 스코어 판정
- 앵콜 16
- 라이프회복 16 + 1 라이프
- 부스트
- Cute focus
- Cool focus
- Passion focus 스코어 콤보
- 올라운드 콤보 라이프
- 라이프스파클 콤보
- 트리콜로로 시너지 스코어 콤보 라이프
- 코디네이트 스코어 콤보
- 롱 액트 스코어 1, 2
- 플릭 액트 스코어 1, 2
- 슬라이드 액트 스코어 1, 2
- 튜닝 콤보 판정
- Cute ensemble
- Cool ensemble
- Passion ensemble
- Vocal Motif
- Dance Motif
- Visual Motif 스코어
- 심포니
- 얼터네이트 콤보 스코어
- refrain
- Cinderella Magic
- Cute voice30
- Cute step30
- Cute makeup30
- Cute brilliance10
- Cute energy10
- Cool voice30
- Cool step30
- Cool makeup30
- Cool brilliance10
- Cool energy10
- Passion voice30
- Passion step30
- Passion makeup30
- Passion brilliance10
- Passion energy10
- Shiny voice24
- Shiny step24
- Shiny makeup24
- Shiny brilliance8
- Shiny energy8
- Cute ability15
- Cool ability15
- Passion ability15
- Cute voice60
- Cute step60
- Cute make60
- Cute brilliance30
- Cute energy20
- Cool voice60
- Cool step60
- Cool make60
- Cool brilliance30
- Cool energy20
- Passion voice60
- Passion step60
- Passion make60
- Passion brilliance30
- Passion energy20
- Shiny voice48
- Shiny step48
- Shiny makeup48
- Shiny brilliance16
- Shiny energy16
- Cute ability30
- Cool ability30
- Passion ability30
- Cute voice90
- Cute step90
- Cute make90
- Cute brilliance40
- Cute energy30
- Cool voice90
- Cool step90
- Cool make90
- Cool brilliance40
- Cool energy30
- Passion voice90
- Passion step90
- Passion make90
- Passion brilliance40
- Passion energy30
- Shiny voice90
- Shiny step90
- Shiny makeup90
- Shiny brilliance40
- Shiny energy30
- Cute ability40
- Cool ability40
- Passion ability40
- Tricolor voice100
- Tricolor step100
- Tricolor makeup100
- Tricolor ability50
- Cute princess50
- Cool princess50
- Passion princess50
- Cute cheer40
- Cool cheer40
- Passion cheer40
- Fortune Present
- Cinderella charm40
- Tricolor voice80
- Tricolor step80
- Tricolor makeup80
- Christmas Present
- Cute princess35
- Cool princess35
- Passion princess35
- Cute cross cool
- Cute cross passion
- Cool cross cute
- Cool cross passion
- Passion cross cute
- Passion cross cool
- Cute unizon55
- Cool unizon55
- Passion unizon55
- Resonance Voice
- Resonance Step
- Resonance Make
- Cute cross cool
- Cute cross passion
- Cool cross cute
- Cool cross passion
- Passion cross cute
- Passion cross cool
- Cinderella yell
- Tricolor ability40
- Cinderella charm32
- World level
- Cinderella with you
- Cinderella breath