A Passionate Competitive Programmer and Aspiring Software Engineer. I am a Full Stack Development Enthusiast and always try to contribute new and Innovative ideas to the Tech Community.
- 💼 I’m pursuing BTech in Computer Science and currently a Final Year undergrad at VIT Pune.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Backend.
- 🌱 I’m currently a Expert at codeforces, 4 star coder on Codechef and i have solved 2000+ Coding Problems combinely on Codechef, Codeforces, Leetcode, Hackerrank and GeeksForGeeks.
- 🌱 I’m currently a Knight at Leetcode ( Rating: 1998 and Top 2.77 % in World ).
- 🔭 I have written and published Competitive Programming Articles on GeeksForGeeks and Tech Articles on Medium.
- 💬 Ask me about Competitive Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms.