An analysis of Nash Equilibrium under the use of mixed optimization criteria in multi-objective normal-form games
An analysis of Nash Equilibrium in under a mix of SER (scalarised expected returns) and ESR (expected scalarized returns) multi-objective optimization criteria
This fork expands upon the code used for experimentation in the following paper:
@article{radulescu2020equilibria, author="R\u{a}dulescu, Roxana and Mannion, Patrick and Zhang, Yijie and Roijers, Diederik M. and Now{\'e}, Ann", title="A utility-based analysis of equilibria in multi-objective normal form games", journal="Knowledge Engineering Review", year="2020", note="In press" }
The code base contains 3 types of Q-learning agents
- ESR with Opponent Modelling capabilities
Experiments can be run using command line arguments such as
python -row ESR -column SER -game game1 -runs 10
python -row ESROppo -column SER
The code-base can also be slightly adjusted as needed to very easily run single-objective normal form games such as chicken, battle of the sexes, the prisoners dilemma, etc.
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