This is the source code of the emission trading system that mentioned in the paper: Design and Implementation on Hyperledger-based Emission Trading System. It constains the network part and the HTTP server part.
To setup this system, please make sure your server has the hyperledger fabric environment.
- Run npm install at the home directory
- Go to chaincode/emission_trade directory and comment "preinstall" in package.json
- Run npm install
- Uncomment "preinsatll"
- Run tar -cvf node_modules.tar.gz node_modules/
- Run rm -rf node_modules/
- Run ./network/ to start the hyperledger fabric network
- Run node app.js to start the HTTP server listening on port 9021
After these steps, you will start a RESTful HTTP server which provides the emission trading services. You can customize your own applications (Mobile App or Web) using these HTTP interfaces. The details of the interfaces can be found at the app.js.