In this project has been implemented an algorithm to detect the italian sign language (LIS - Lingua Italiana dei Segni) through Opencv, Mediapipe Hand Detection and a K-nn classifier.
- Python 3.8.13
- Mediapipe
- Opencv
- Sklearn 1.1.2
- Pickle 4.0
pip install - pip/requirements.txt
Dataset was acquired using a previously created tool: acqTool
- LIS alphabet letters were recorded (26 classes).
- 500 vectors for each classes,
- Vectors was normalized using the MinMaxScaler [0,1],
- Each vector is composed by 42 features:
Note: only right hand was used during the acquisition. Download Here
The classifier chosen is K-NN ( sklearn ).
Confusion Matrix:
python -c {classifier.pkl}
This project is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0