Simple JSON parsing library for arduino.
//Remove white space (outside of string literals) from json String
json = jsonRemoveWhiteSpace(json);
String posStr = jsonExtract(json, "coord"); // {"lon":-77.35,"lat":38.93}
float lat = jsonExtract(posStr, "lat").toFloat(); // 38.93
float lon = jsonExtract(posStr, "lon").toFloat(); // -77.35
String weather_list = jsonExtract(json, "weather"); // [{"id":500,"main":"Rain","description":"light rain","icon":"10d"}]
String weather_0 = jsonIndexList(weather_list, 0); // {"id":500,"main":"Rain","description":"light rain","icon":"10d"}
String desc = jsonExtract(weather_0, "description"); // light rain
Serial.printf("Location:%f,%f. Current conditions: %s", lat, lon, desc.c_str());
String jsonRemoveWhiteSpace(String json);
Returns a String with white space outside of string literals removed. For instance
{"testing" : "one, two, three"} ==> {"testing":"one, two, three"}
String jsonIndexList(String json, int idx);
Returns a String containing indexed item from provided String containing a json object.
String jsonExtract(String json, String name);
Returns a String containing the named item from provided String containing a json object. If name does not exist returns an empty String.