These are my dotfiles for my WezTerm + Fish + Neovim (LazyVim) development setup. Feel free to clone or steal.
I decided to go down the NeoVim rabbit-hole early December 2023 after seeing some really pretty setups on YouTube. I gave LunarVim a try in November 2023 very unsuccessfully, but the second time around I chose LazyVim and fell in love.
You will first need to install some prerequisites for LazyVim:
brew install neovim
brew install lazygit
# for telescope
brew install ripgrep
brew install fd
# maintained version of exa, which is a modern ls replacement
brew install eza
From there, you will need Fish Shell.
brew install fish
brew install fisher
# install fisher plugins
fisher update
# add homebrew to path
fish_add_path /opt/homebrew/bin
# set up fish as default shell
echo "/opt/homebrew/bin/fish" | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
chsh -s /opt/homebrew/bin/fish
After installing the above, you will just need WezTerm.
After installing the above prerequisites, you can clone this repo somewhere and then make symbolic links to the directories in .config
like so:
ln -s $HOME/GitHub/personal/dotfiles/.config/karabiner $HOME/.config/karabiner
ln -s $HOME/GitHub/personal/dotfiles/.config/fish $HOME/.config/fish
ln -s $HOME/GitHub/personal/dotfiles/.config/nvim $HOME/.config/nvim
ln -s $HOME/GitHub/personal/dotfiles/.config/wezterm $HOME/.config/wezterm
- Markdown Preview
- Allows you to preview markdown files in your browser with
- Allows you to preview markdown files in your browser with
- Git Messenger
- Gives you git blame with
in a nice hovering window.
- Gives you git blame with