Docker Resources for WSO2 Integration
WSO2 Installation Experience Team is pleased to announce the release of Docker resources for WSO2 Enterprise Integrator v6.2.0.9.
This release contains the following,
- Add per profile Docker resources of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator v6.2.x for Alpine, CentOS, Ubuntu
- Update AdoptOpenJDK version to adoptopenjdk/openjdk8:jdk8u292-b10-alpine in all Alpine based images
- Update AdoptOpenJDK version to adoptopenjdk:8u292-b10-jdk-hotspot-focal in all Ubuntu based images
- Update AdoptOpenJDK version to jdk8u292-b10/OpenJDK8U-jdk_x64_linux_hotspot_8u292b10 in all Centos based images
- Update K8s Membership scheme version to 1.0.7
How You Can Contribute
Join our mailing list and correspond with the developers directly.
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Reporting Issues
We encourage you to report issues and documentation faults regarding WSO2 Docker and Docker Compose resources by creating issues.
Thank you!
WSO2 Installation Experience Team