Re-orders objects
alphabetically by property
It coerces the value of each object[property]
in objects
into a string to
do the sorting. The values of the properties are not modifed.
The sorting algorithm simply compares the unicode value of property
in every 2
adjacent objects to decide which should come first, like so:
return (String(aProp) < String(bProp) ? -1 : 1);
Note: in the results, all uppercase letters in the English alphabet come before
all lowercase letters.
Note: property
is a string that can include dot-notation
( 'property.subproperty.subsubproperty') . If property
is an array index, here
you need to use dot-notation and not square braces. Example:
'1.0' // instead of [1][0]
let roster = [
{name: 'Rod Carmichael', group: 'D'},
{name: 'Todd Garfunkel', group: 'B'},
{name: 'Rachel Green', group: 'E'},
{name: 'Mick Jagger', group: 'A'},
{name: 'Charlie Brown', group: 'D'},
{name: 'Flip Mavunkel', group: 'C'},
alphabetizeByProperty('group', roster);
roster is now
{name: 'Mick Jagger', group: 'A'},
{name: 'Todd Garfunkel', group: 'B'},
{name: 'Flip Mavunkel', group: 'C'},
{name: 'Rod Carmichael', group: 'D'},
{name: 'Charlie Brown', group: 'D'},
{name: 'Rachel Green', group: 'E'}
roster = [
{player: {name: 'Rod'}},
{player: {name: 'Mick'}},
{player: {name: 'Charlie'}},
{player: {name: 'Todd'}},
{player: {name: 'Flip'}},
{player: {name: 'Rachel'}},
{player: {name: 'Monica'}},
alphabetizeByProperty('', roster);
roster is now
{ player: { name: 'Charlie' } },
{ player: { name: 'Flip' } },
{ player: { name: 'Mick' } },
{ player: { name: 'Monica' } },
{ player: { name: 'Rachel' } },
{ player: { name: 'Rod' } },
{ player: { name: 'Todd' } }
// What about alphabetizing characters with diacriticals?
roster = [
{name: 'Rod Carmichael', group: 'Ò'},
{name: 'Todd Garfunkel', group: 'Í'},
{name: 'Rachel Green', group: 'I'},
{name: 'Mick Jagger', group: 'Å'},
{name: 'Charlie Brown', group: 'O'},
{name: 'Flip Mavunkel', group: 'A'},
alphabetizeByProperty('group', roster);
roster is now
{ name: 'Flip Mavunkel', group: 'A' },
{ name: 'Rachel Green', group: 'I' },
{ name: 'Charlie Brown', group: 'O' },
{ name: 'Mick Jagger', group: 'Å' },
{ name: 'Todd Garfunkel', group: 'Í' },
{ name: 'Rod Carmichael', group: 'Ò' }
// What if some of the objects don't have a value for that property,
// or the property is missing?
roster = [
{name: 'Rod Carmichael', group: undefined},
{name: 'Mick Jagger', group: 'Å'},
{name: 'Charlie Brown', group: 'ZZZ'},
{name: 'Farley Brown', group: 'Z'},
{name: 'Rachel Green'},
{name: 'Charlie Brown', group: null},
{name: 'Todd Garfunkel', group: undefined},
{name: 'Flip Mavunkel', group: 'A'},
alphabetizeByProperty('group', roster);
roster is now
{ name: 'Flip Mavunkel', group: 'A' },
{ name: 'Farley Brown', group: 'Z' },
{ name: 'Charlie Brown', group: 'ZZZ' },
{ name: 'Charlie Brown', group: null }, // null is treated as a string
{ name: 'Rod Carmichael', group: undefined }, // undefined is treated as a string
{ name: 'Rachel Green' }, // missing property is treated as 'undefined'
{ name: 'Todd Garfunkel', group: undefined },
{ name: 'Mick Jagger', group: 'Å' },
// Now alphabetize by array index.
// Here we alphabetize by each person's last name,
// which is index 1 of index 1:
let people = [
['teacher', ['thomas', 'stoppard']],
['pastor', ['terry', 'blank']],
['priest', ['sam', 'martin']],
['mayor', ['amy', 'thomas']],
['teacher', ['cathy', 'nguyen']],
['minister', ['ng', 'leung']]
alphabetizeByProperty('1.1', people);
people is now
['pastor', ['terry', 'blank']],
['minister', ['ng', 'leung']],
['priest', ['sam', 'martin']],
['teacher', ['cathy', 'nguyen']],
['teacher', ['thomas', 'stoppard']],
['mayor', ['amy', 'thomas']]
npm i @writetome51/alphabetize-by-property
import {alphabetizeByProperty} from '@writetome51/alphabetize-by-property';