Tool scrapping player data from World of Warships API and generated interesting graphs about server population with this data.
You need to have golang
> 1.19 and make
To build wows-stats, run:
To run this tool, you need:
- a WoWs API key
- to be patient 😀
To get a WoWs API key, please refer to the Wargaming Developer Documentation
Scrapping all the data is rather slow, be prepared to let the tool run for several hours, if not days.
$ ./wows-stats -help
Usage of ./wows-stats:
-apikey string API key
Enable debug mode
-output string
Output file path (required)
-server string
World of Warships server
Skip report generation
Skip scraping data
Scrapping the data, and generating the report:
./wows-stats -apikey "xxxxx" -output index.html -server eu
From there, you can make the report available as a static html file (using nginx for example).
Or you can open it in your browser:
$ firefox index.html
You can skip the data collection or the report generation if needed:
# skip scrapping data (useful when tweaking graphs)
./wows-stats -apikey "xxxxx" -output index.html -server eu -skip-scraping
# skip report generation (useful when troubleshooting data collection issues)
./wows-stats -apikey "xxxxx" -output index.html -server eu -skip-generation
You can also enable more verbose logs if needed with the -debug
./wows-stats -apikey "xxxxx" -output index.html -server eu -debug
The project is separated in two main parts:
The raw data is stored in an SQLite DB, and its schema is defined here
If you want to access the DB directly (after data collection of course):
export WOWS_SERVER=eu
sqlite3 "$WOWS_SERVER-stats.db"
And then run whatever query you want:
SQLite version 3.40.1 2022-12-28 14:03:47
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> SELECT AVG(random_win_rate) from players where random_battles > 7000;
© wows-stat. All rights reserved | © All rights reserved
This is application is a third-party tool under Wargaming Developers Program.