##Work Market Webhook Recipes
The following webhook recipes are samples to highlight the capabilities of webhooks as a feature. In most cases, these require some setup on the remote system (typically to enable API access).
Webhooks can be configured here: https://www.workmarket.com/mmw/integration/webhooks
Dropbox (Upload) | |
Description | Upload new files into a Dropbox folder rootFolder/[assignmentId]/[fileName]. Note: you must set up API access for your Dropbox account and get an access token. See here: https://www.dropbox.com/developers |
Event | Attachment Added |
URL | https://api-content.dropbox.com/1/files_put/auto/${client_name}/${assignment_id}/${file_name} |
Method | PUT |
Headers | Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_DROPBOX_TOKEN] Content-type: application/octet-stream |
Body | ${file_data} |
Dropbox (Delete) | |
Description | Upload new files into a Dropbox folder rootFolder/[assignmentId]/[fileName]. Note: you must set up API access for your Dropbox account and get an access token. See here: https://www.dropbox.com/developers |
Event | Attachment Removed |
URL | https://api.dropbox.com/1/fileops/delete?root=auto&path=${client_name}/${assignment_id}/${file_name} |
Method | POST |
Headers | Authorization: Bearer [YOUR_DROPBOX_TOKEN] Content-type: application/octet-stream |
Body | None |
Hipchat | |
Description | Posts a message to a Hipchat room. Note: you must get a Hipchat API token, and must get your room ID. |
Event | Note Added (but you could do any number of event types here) |
URL | https://api.hipchat.com/v1/rooms/message |
Method | POST |
Headers | Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
Body | auth_token=[token]&room_id=[room_id]&from=Webhook&message=${note}&color=purple&message_format=text¬ify=0 |
Twilio SMS | |
Description | Sends an SMS text message via the Twilio API. Note: you must have a Twilio account and will need to get your account SID and auth token. |
Event | Note Added (but you could do any number of event types here) |
URL | https://[ACCOUNT SID]:[AUTH TOKEN]@api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/[ACCOUNT SID]/Messages.json |
Method | POST |
Headers | Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded |
Body | To=[TO_PHONE_NUMBER]&From=+[FROM_PHONE_NUMBER]&Body=${note} |