My son gave me the idea for this project. He wanted a clock that he could put in his children's room without disturbing him with the light. The idea was born that the display only goes on when you approach the clock or approach it with your hand. The clock should show the time and the room temperature.
NodeMCU V3 Module ESP8266 12F with MicroPython from
MAX7219 4in1 Dot Matrix Display
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
DS18B20 Sensor Breakout Modul
StepDown Converter with 3,3V output
3D Printed Case from
Data Pin DS18B20 on GPIO 4 / D2
Trigger Pin SR04 on GPIO 5 / D1
Echo Pin SR04 on GPIO 16 / D0
CS Pin MAX7219 on GPIO 2 / D4
CLK Pin MAX7219 on GPIO 14 / D5
DIN Pin MAX7219 on GPIO 13 / D7
To protect the ESP Pin from 5V, connected a step down converter (3,3 V) between Echo from SR04 and ESP Pin D0 !
Module ds18x20 from MicroPython
The display is mounted on the front of the slot, the ESP on the back of the slot. The slot with the display must be installed first, then the SR04 can be installed in the upper part. The DS18B20 is installed in such a way that it looks out of the back of the case so that it can measure the room temperature.
You can load the directly onto your ESP. The must also be loaded onto the ESP. The data of your WLAN must still be entered in the .