Shuffles colors in gifs and outputs the recolored gif- this is a lot like Pixelsnort but in python and using gifs.
I found this bb-8 through google images
I promise you can make it look way cooler!
make a folder where your gif frames are gonna go while they get processed. Change your directory in your settings to reflect whatever you call the folder.
use a python virtual environment and install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
note: currently, there is some kind of bug with imageio reading in gif files. This commit fixes it.
you can use pip to install that specific commit, I believe this is it:
pip install git+git://
- Alright, so run
to split the gif by frames and save them (I found most of this code elsewhere) - then
to apply any cool color changes python
to put humpty dumpty back together again- if you make something really cool, let me know
I don't have any code that clears out the output folder. If you extract a gif with lots of frames, and then one with a few frames, it isn't going to delete the leftover frames.