b3dsdf v0.9.0
This release adds 21 new nodes(currently at 157 nodes in the pack), including 8 new 2D L-inf SDFs.
Full changelog can be found here: v0.8.0...v0.9.0
Fix ops for Z axis (usage with 3D sdfs)
- sdNGon b2ff8c0
L-inf 2D SDFs
- sdBoxLN e6871f9
- sdCircleLN 13578f5
- sdEllipseLN f1540c8
- sdParabolaLN bc5ff49
- sdParabolaSegmentLN c3cdc7b
- sdLineLN 1e58a90
- sdRoundBoxLN c1c8e6b
- sdRhombusLN ab4943d
- sdRoundedCylinder d4a9ae1
- sdTriPrismBound 60f4b55
- sdHexPrism fbf331d
- sdRhombus3D 03f3052
- sdVerticalRoundCone 0f08de6
- sdVerticalCappedCone cbfaa6b
- sdDeathStar bc1dd3e
- sdCappedCone(same as sdTrapezoid) d658e47
- sdRoundCone 365a7f4
- sdTriPrism 3d9bd70
- sdCone (vertical cone) 3d3a743
Vector Ops
- opElongate 0a86181