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Julius Wiegert edited this page Dec 18, 2023 · 4 revisions

EBG Command

EBG is used as a command line tool. After installation via conda or pip call ebg -h from the command line to get an overview over the parameters of EBG:

usage: ebg [-h] -msa MSA -tree TREE -model MODEL [-o O] [-t T] [-raxmlng RAXMLNG] [-redo]

Educated Bootstrap Guesser

  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -msa MSA          PATH absolute path to the MSA file in .fasta format
  -tree TREE        PATH absolute path to the tree file in newick format (.bestTree)
  -model MODEL      PATH absolute path to the raxml-ng model file (.bestModel)
  -o O              VALUE output folder name, overwrites all files if already existing default: EBG_output
  -t T              c | r | b type of prediction: (c)lassification, (r)egression, (b)oth default: b
  -raxmlng RAXMLNG  PATH path to RAxML-NG default: raxml-ng
  -redo             if set, all existing results will be overwritten

EBG Input Formats

  • MSA: .fasta, AA or DNA data
  • Tree: .newick
  • Model: .bestModel (RAxML-NG model format)

Please provide the absolute path to each input file. By default, EBG assumes that the raxml-ng command is available. If that is not the case, please provide the absolute path to the raxml-ng executable with -raxmlng PATH_TO_RAXMLNG.

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