- 用with做锁的逻辑语句
- timeout避免了避免了任务出现异常,没有做delete操作
- 对于长时间的业务,增加retry重试锁的次数
- 增加了ask_lock接口
#blog: http://xiaorui.cc
import time
from __future__ import with_statement
import redis
from redis_netlock import dist_lock
client = redis.Redis(connection_pool=redis.BlockingConnectionPool(max_connections=15, host='localhost', port=6379))
with dist_lock('test', client):
print 'welcome to my blog, http://xiaorui.cc'
同时运行test.py and test2.py
python test.py
[root@li568-252 redis_netlock]# python test.py
welcome to my blog, http://xiaorui.cc
python test2.py
[root@li568-252 redis_netlock]# python test2.py
Sleeipng for 0.404031367603
Sleeipng for 1.19347232007
Sleeipng for 2.47668271021
Sleeipng for 4.55280708824